Monday, 27 June 2016

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

Geoethics and Scientific Integrity

The Keys to Advancing the Geosciences and a Healthy Planet

San Francisco (USA)
12-16 December 2016

Deadline: 3 August 2016

IAPG-USA co-organizes the session:

PA020: Geoethics and Scientific Integrity – The Keys to Advancing the Geosciences and a Healthy Planet

Session Description:
Geoscience directly influences the sustainability and health of the Earth; it must be conducted with the highest standards of integrity and ethics.  Geoscientist’s research elucidates many issues with significant ethical, social, and economic implications. Considering such risks as natural hazards, climate change, resource extraction, and the environmental impact of chemical and atmospheric elements; there is a clear need to develop ethical frameworks within which geoscientists can conduct their research, education, and communication.  The session’s goal is to discuss these frameworks, examining both theoretical and practical aspects of Geoethics and scientific integrity. We will explore the most recent advances in research on scientific integrity and Geoethics education, the ethics of publishing and data access, and will feature both the new report on Responsible Science from the National Academy of Sciences and new AGU/Wiley Scientific Integrity and Geoethics book.  We invite contributions on advances in scientific integrity and Geoethics, including case studies.

Linda Gundersen, Brooks Hanson, Cindy Palinkas (IAPG-USA), Vincent Cronin (IAPG-USA)

a) Information about the abstract submission
b) Submit an abstract

Friday, 24 June 2016

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

IAPGeoethics Newsletter n. 3 - 2016 is out!

The issue #3 - 2016 of the Newsletter of the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics has been released on 23 June 2016.


- Congresses/Meetings (IAPG sessions at 35th IGC, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, report EGU 2016)
- New National Sections (Mexico and Paraguay)
- New publications (new article and book)
- Exhibitions (exhibition in Oklahoma City and MINERLIMA 2016)
- News from the world (Argentina and Peru)
- From the IAPG Blog (2 new recent articles)
- Focus (Sustainable Development Goals and Global Risks Report 2016)

Download the newsletter as pdf file at:

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Thank you

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

"Geotourism for all": toward bridging the gap

by Mamoon Allan*

Mamoon Allan
*Faculty of Archeology and tourism, the University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan - IAPG-Jordan coordinator 

Picture at the top: Maldive (from

Disclaimer: the views expressed in this paper solemnly engage the authors

It is acknowledged that tourism is a human basic right and communities should pay much attention to the rights of people with special needs to experience different tourism activities. Geotourism (tourism with a geological purpose) represents a holistic natural, cultural and recreational experience for tourists regardless of having disabilities or not. Despite the developments in the nature and scope of geotourism experiences, people with special needs are commonly excluded from different types of geological tourism activities because of different physical and health constraints. Thus, there is an urgent need to tackle such constrains and provide an accessible experience to such tourists with special needs in the context of geotourism. As a result, it is vital to promote the concept of "Geotourism for all" in different geological tourism sites and enhance the ethical practices in geotourism business.

Hitherto geological tourism tours for people with special needs are still very limited. This is mostly due to several barriers that hamper the supply and demand sides for geotourism business. This post seeks to clarify the concept of "Geotourism for all", types of tourist with special needs, and steps that should be followed to develop such tourism movement.

From the paper: 
Disability and Human rights -
Questions for Geotourism Projects 
(By Scott Rains)
The concept of "Geotourism for all" involves enabling people with special needs to undertake their tourism experiences at geological tourism sites. It includes providing accessible services and requirements for all kind of tourists engaging in geotourism experiences. Different types of geological sites, particularly; geoparks should provide barrier-free tours including accessible facilities and services. Accordingly, people with special needs may comprise people with different types of disabilities, senior people, people with different health conditions requiring special care, such as diabetic and obesity, and families with children having disabilities.

In order to promote the concept of "Geotourism for all" at geological sites, several steps should be done. Thus, geotourism managers, planners and promoters should provide accessible facilities and services, improve the quality of offering services and develop marketing and promotion campaigns to enhance the awareness toward the significance of accessible geotourism activities. Additionally, it is highly recommended to offer appropriate training and qualifications for geotourism staffs to be able to deal with different kinds of people with special needs. Media also can play vital role to promote the culture of "Geotourism for all" and attract the attention of public to support the right of people with special needs to travel or experience tourism activities. The advance of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) could provide many opportunities to improve the status quo of the accessible tourism facilities and services at geosites. Moreover, it could enhance providing required information and communication for people with special needs. Finally, providing accessible geotourism facilities and services for people with special needs is an ethical practice and a primary responsibility for geologists and tourism experts to help such people to enjoy their life and practice their basic rights.

Other articles in the IAPG Blog:

IAPG Publications on Geoethics:

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog


Feria Internacional de Minerales de Lima
Lima (Peru), 11-13 November 2016 

This event is organized by the IAPG-Peru (Sección Peruana de la International Association for Promoting Geoethics - SGP-SEGCGS) and the Peruvian Geological Society (SGP - Sociedad Geológica del Perú).

More information in the MINERLIMA 2016 website (in Spanish): and Facebook page:

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

Geoscience for the Public Good and Global Development: 
Toward a Sustainable Future

Special Paper 520 of the Geological Society of America (GSA)

by Gregory R. Wessel* and Jeffrey K. Greenberg**

Jeffrey K. Greenberg
Gregory R. Wessel
*Geology in the Public Interest, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in Seattle, USA 

**Department of Geology and Environmental Science, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois 60187, USA 

Picture at the top: Cover of the book

Disclaimer: the views expressed in this paper solemnly engage the authors

Special Paper 520 of the Geological Society of America (GSA), Geoscience for the Public Good and Global Development: Toward a Sustainable Future is a confluence of purpose and determination. 
Two geologists (who did not know one another) each proposed and chaired similar sessions at the 2013 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Denver. Greg Wessel from the State of Washington chaired "Geology for the Common Good: Sustainable Resources for the 21st Century" and Jeff Greenberg from Illinois coordinated "Geoscience and International Development." 
Upon recognizing their shared vision, they began a partnership to include a combined session for another GSA conference and a dream of publishing many articles to inspire other colleagues.  

This book represents a lot of effort in gathering a comprehensive collection of very practical and hopefully inspirational papers. The ultimate goal of this work is to apply our science where it is needed most. The book's Introduction by the two editors and a Preface by GSA past-President, George Davis, provide overviews that should attract attention, not only to the 39 articles, but also to challenge geoscientists about their own motivations.

Articles are from a wide array of international authors. Many contributions are of global scope, as well as focused upon Africa (Ethiopia, Uganda, Nigeria, and Senegal), Asia (Bangladesh, The Himalayas, Thailand, Afghanistan, Iran, and Oman), the Americas (Haiti, Guatemala, Columbia, and the USA), Europe (Italy), and the Pacific Islands. Topical divisions for the papers range from: "Fundamentals and Foundations", through "Metals, Minerals, and Mineral Resources", "Water Resources", "Engineering, Public Safety and Urban Development", "Waste Management", "Geological Hazards and Risk Reduction", to "Multi-Agency and Regional Approaches." 

It is greatly desired to see this volume get the widest distribution, beyond all academic institutions, on to government agencies, research groups, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and to many individuals and associations involved in decision making, development, and human-environmental relationships. The scope is truly interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary. 

Information available at the GSA Website includes the following description:

Full Title: Geoscience for the Public Good and Global Development: Toward a Sustainable Future

Editors: Gregory R. Wessel and Jeffrey K. Greenberg

This publication offers an overview of the applications of the geosciences to sustainable development and geophilanthropic efforts worldwide, and offers advice to guide the creation of development projects. The primacy of geologic input to all development activities is highlighted along with problems that are encountered and environmental issues that must be addressed. General principles to follow are discussed, including guidelines for creating truly sustainable solutions, building foundations for effective international development, the importance of ethical and social values, the motivation behind sustainable development, and how geoscientists can best become development practitioners.
Numerous case studies provide examples of planning for sustainability in mineral resources, water resources, mitigation of geologic hazards, waste management, urban development, and regional evaluation of development constraints and opportunities. The reader should come away with a general understanding of how sustainable development projects might be organized and where they might be most successful.

[Table of Contents] [Foreword by G.H. Davis & Introduction]

Product Code: SPE520

Published: May 11, 2016

ISBN Number: 978-0-8137-2520-8

Pages: 478

Product Categories: B. Special Papers

Friday, 10 June 2016

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

Oceans are the mirror of our civilization

Translation from German by Jeffrey Michel
Jeffrey Michel

Ing.-Büro für Energieforschung/Energy Consultant, Germany 

Picture at the top from

Disclaimer: the views expressed in this paper solemnly engage the author.
The text was published in German by Pressetext on Thursday, 31 Mar 2016 / 10:32 at: +Zivilisation/692670/detail.htm

Energy usage is to blame for the desolation

The worsening condition of the oceans is a foreseeable consequence of global energy usage. 

The impairment of sensitive marine biological equilibriums leads to coral degeneration, with ocean acidification threatening increasingly larger expanses. The requisite awareness of government and society remains deficient. In view of this sobering conclusion, energy researcher Jeffrey Michel has called for the definition of carbon dioxide (CO2) as an environmental pollutant as well as the use of smart meters in this Pressetext interview.

"The continued decline in pH in the oceans is now proceeding at 100 times the rate of previous millions of years. The oceans have therefore become a seismograph for the CO2 pollution caused by the global energy industry" according to Michel. For the expert, who has already advised several German municipalities on energy issues and was awarded the "Climate Hero" 2005 award by WWF for his commitment in the Saxon village of Heuersdorf, the seas thus constitute a "mirror of our modern civilization." Michel notes that "nothing is hidden from this mirror. Relying on fossil fuels ends up as a CO2 transcript in the oceans."

800 million tons of CO2 per year

For the researcher, it is only logical to declare the reduction of CO2 emissions as a primary political objective. However, the reality is different: "The fossil energy industry in Germany releases more than 800 million tons of CO2 per year into the atmosphere," says Michel. "It also remains unrecognized that biomass combustion contributes to ocean acidification. At present, carbon dioxide has not yet been appreciated in Europe as an environmental pollutant – although that definition has been legally binding in the US since 2012. "This designation of the US Environmental Protection Agency EPA should be applied to all future CO2 reduction strategies," he urges.

This energy researcher is not alone. As early as 2014, the Left Party in the German Bundestag presented a bill for defining CO2 as an environmental pollutant to substantiate a systematic phase-out of coal usage. The aim was to save at least and additional 60 million tons of carbon dioxide by 2020. "Unfortunately, the proposal was rejected on January 29th by the parliamentary majority. A change in awareness among political leaders is obviously overdue," Michel has concluded.

Motor vehicles, the internet, and smart power meters

However, all citizens can play a part in protecting the oceans and thus the entire global ecosystem. The necessary public comprehension is often lacking, the expert notes: "Hardly anyone is aware of the fact that not only his own car, but also internet usage entails immense energy expenditures. The World Wide Web consumes more electrical power than Japan and Germany combined. Education campaigns are desperately needed."

A promising way to make energy usage at home more sustainable would particularly be the everyday use of smart metering, according to Michel. "We have to adapt to a growing shortage of energy and environmental resources. Digital power meters can cut energy consumption by simple monitoring and even more by interactive control," the researcher believes.

The practice of yearly power invoicing that still prevails in Germany is unsuitable for this purpose. "A monthly reading would already permit savings of several percent to be achieved on the basis of accumulated experience with power conservation strategies," Michel concludes. "After all, would any motorist accept a petrol receipt only once a year?"

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

The IAPG section of Paraguay

Welcome to the IAPG section of Paraguay! 

The section will work under the responsibility of Moisés Alejandro Gadea Villalba (Department of Geology at the National University of Asunción).

Moisés Alejandro Gadea Villalba

Moisés Alejandro Gadea Villalba is a geologist, who has worked with seismological data for many years in Paraguay. He teaches sedimentary petrology in the Department of Geology at the National University of Asunción.
He attended post-graduate and specialization courses in the fields of seismology, petrology and risk management in many countries. 
Currently, he is getting the MSc. degree in Hydrogeology. 
He created and manages the website "", a point of reference for finding information on geology of Paraguay.

Other IAPG national sections:

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

Event on Geoethics in Argentina: Geologist's Day 
(information in Spanish)

Mesa Redonda "Geoética"
Chubut, Patagonia (Argentina), 6 June 2016

Más información: 
Geol. Msc. Leonardo Ferro (email:

Con motivo de la celebración del “Día del Geólogo”, la Cátedra de Geociencias, Facultad Ingeniería-UNPSJB, y el CPGCH realizarán una Mesa Redonda sobre “GEOETICA” en el marco de los lineamientos planteados por la Asociación Internacional para la Promoción de Geoética (IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics).

Esta actividad abierta a docentes, alumnos y a la comunidad, se desarrollará el Lunes 6 de Junio 2016 a las 18:00 hs en el Edificio de Aulas de la UNPSJB. KM4.Esquel. Chubut. Patagonia Argentina.


International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

Geoethics and Art:
an artistic exhibition in Oklahoma City

We are glad to announce an artistic exhibition by our IAPG member, Prof. Ying Kit Chan, University of Louisville (USA). If you can attend, don't miss this event!

[Artspace] at Untitled presents “GeoEthics: Work by Ying Kit Chan

Exhibition: May 26 to July 16, 2016
Reception: Thursday, May 26 at 5 pm
Location: 1 NE 3rd St, Oklahoma City 73104

Environmental ethics - a philosophical study of the moral relationship between human beings and nature and the value that society extends to the environment - is a reoccurring theme in Ying Kit Chan's more than three decades of art making. Utilizing a wide range of media, the artist employs this philosophy alongside Taoist and Buddhist ideologies to examine our relationship with nature, from the mental impact of contemplation to the actions resulting in environmental degradation. The works selected for "GeoEthics" highlight the artist's conceptual development and explore environmental ethics through three themes: oil spills, industrial landscapes, and philosophical thought.

Ying Kit Chan has presented his art work in 200 exhibitions in the United States as well as in Australia, Canada, Ecuador, Germany, Korea, Japan, England, Hong Kong, Poland, Taiwan, and Portugal. Chan has received public awards including two Kentucky Arts Council Al Smith Visual Arts Fellowships (1994 and 2002), a National Endowment for the Arts / Southern Arts Federation Visual Arts Fellowship (1992) and an Urban Council Fine Arts Award at the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial in 1977. He is presently Professor of Art at the University of Louisville.

Facebook page: Facebook page:

Prof. Ying Kit Chan's website:

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

A new IAPG paper on geoethics
in a special volume of the Geological Society of America

We are glad to announce a new IAPG article in which you find a discussion on some fundamental values of geoethics:

Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (2016). Geoethics: Ethical, social, and cultural values in geosciences research, practice, and education. pp. 17-21. DOI: 10.1130/2016.2520(03).
In: Wessel G. & Greenberg, J. (Eds.). Geoscience for the Public Good and Global Development: Toward a Sustainable Future
Geological Society of America, Special Paper 520.

Download the paper:

All geoscience practices have evident repercussions on society. Geoscientists have knowledge and skills to investigate, manage, and intervene on the geosphere, defined as the component of the Earth system constituted by the land surface, the solid Earth, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, and the atmosphere. This implies ethical obligations. The adoption of ethical principles is essential if geoscientists want to best serve the public good. Ethical responsibility by all geoscientists requires a more active role while interacting with society. Geoethics, which investigate the ethical, social, and cultural implications of geoscience research, practice, and education, represents a new way of thinking about and practicing earth sciences, focusing on issues related to the relationship of the geoscientist with the self, colleagues, and society in the broadest sense. In this paper, we define some of the main values relevant to geoethics.

Other papers in: Wessel G. & Greenberg, J. (Eds.). Geoscience for the Public Good and Global Development: Toward a Sustainable Future:

IAPG publications on geoethics: