Tuesday, 2 February 2016

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

News from IAPG-Peru

IAPG-Peru held its 1st Coordination Meeting on 15 January 2016 at the Auditorium of the INGEMMET (Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico) in Lima.

After a talk about the 2015 activities of the section, our Peruvian colleagues discussed about several plans for 2016:

1) MINERLIMA 2016 (Second Internacional Exhibition of Minerals in Peru).
2) Creation of the section on Geoethics, Geological Culture and Society within the Peruvian Geological Society.
3) 2nd Colloquium on Geoethics to be included in the Peruvian Geological Congress.

A detailed report (in Spanish) of the 1st Coordination Meeting of IAPG-Peru is available at:

    IAPG-Peru Blog

    International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

    An important initiative of IAPG-Egypt

    The Egyptian section of the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics is actively involved in the organization of the 1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE INSTITUTE OF AFRICAN RESEARCH AND STUDIES (IARS). 25-26 May 2016, Cairo (Egypt).

    The Conference is organized by the Institute of African Research and Studies (IARS), in collaboration with the Cairo University, Foreign Affairs Ministry of Egypt, Arabian Scientific Research Organization (ASRO), International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG) and African Network for Geo-Education (ANGE).

    IAPG organizes a round-table on geoethics for young geoscientists.

    The main themes of the Conference are:

    I) Natural Resources in Africa - New Perspectives.
    II) Education in Africa - New Perspectives.
    III) Community, Culture and health in Africa.
    IV) Future of Conflict and Peace building in Africa.

    The Conference will be a platform for initiating a new vision in co-operation with African countries and improving relation through new perspectives by discussing the current situation and challenges, and will seek to share experience and best practices to promote the Egyptian role in Africa.
    The main conclusions of the Conference will be reflected and incorporated into the declaration of the Institute to be considered and adopted by the participants at the Conference.

    The working languages of the Conference will be: Arabic, English.

    For more information about abstracts submission and registration visit the website:https://africaninstitutesite.wordpress.com/

      Other IAPG events