Thursday, 31 March 2016

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

Agreement on Cooperation between IAEG and the IAPG

The IAEG - International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment and the IAPG have signed an Agreement on Collaboration on 25 March 2016. The aim of the agreement is to promote a co-ordinated policy for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of engineering geology and favouring the adoption of ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience community in order to better serving the Society.
The agreement expresses a mutual desire to co-operate on a range of themes in the field of Geoethics, in particular, the following issues:
  • promotion of principles of geoethics, research integrity and professional deontology in engineering geology activities among their networks;
  • definition of ethical problems, also through case-studies, affecting geoscience community and organizations;
  • co-organization of scientific events to disseminate concepts of geoethics, among both the professional and research communities, with particular attention to young engineering geologists;
  • production of relevant publications;
  • identification of possibilities to apply for the development of common projects on geoethics, research integrity and professional deontology.
The IAEG ( was founded in 1964 and is affiliated to the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). IAEG is a worldwide scientific society with more than 5,200 members and 59 national groups. The official languages of the IAEG are English and French. The aims of the IAEG are 1) to promote and encourage the advancement of Engineering Geology through technological activities and research, 2) to improve teaching and training in Engineering Geology, and 3) to collect, evaluate and disseminate the results of engineering geological activities on a worldwide basis.

Read more about IAPG affiliations and agreements at:

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

Peace is the way ...

Promoting Geoethics 
means to share and recognize common values 
that belongs to the mankind as a whole 
regardless of cultural and religious differences.

In this time of tragic events,
the IAPG wish you all an Easter full of peace and serenity.

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

A session on Citizen Science and Geoethics:
"From school and citizen seismology to geoethics"
Call for Abstracts
35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission

IAPG promotes the Session 04 "From school and citizen seismology to geoethics" at the 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, that takes place in Trieste (Italy) from 4 to 10 September 2016. The deadline for the abstract submission is 30 April 2016.

Rémy Bossu, Paul Denton, Paul Earle, Giuseppe Di Capua

Session description
Internet and social networks have multiplied the direct interactions between individual seismologists and citizens. Observational seismology has entered schools where they can detect signals from large global earthquakes and do real science with real data. Doing real science is one of the goals of citizen science projects alongside augmenting data collection and crowdsourcing observations on earthquake phenomena. Today there is a convergence between scientific and educational seismology projects. Many institutes and individual scientists are active on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. Smartphone apps are replacing websites as the main source of rapid earthquake information.

Piazza Unità d'Italia, Trieste
Communication has also expanded from rapid information to time evolving hazard, risk and even operational earthquake forecasts. These developments change the way we, as scientists interact with society. They present significant opportunities to transfer the value of scientific research to citizens, in order to avoid or minimize risky interaction as demonstrated by the l’Aquila trial.

We invite papers on schools, citizen science or public communications initiatives as well as analysis of their ethical, social and cultural implications.

How to submit an abstract:

30 April 2016

Congress website:

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

The IAPG section of Nepal

Welcome to the IAPG section of Nepal! 

The section will work under the responsibility of Shree Prasad VistaSenior Scientist at the Soil Science Division of the Nepal Agricultural Research Council, and Secretary General of the Nepalese Society of Soil Science.

Shree Prasad Vista

Other IAPG national sections: