Tuesday, 19 July 2016

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog


The importance of Geoethics in achieving 
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Nigeria

Abuja (Nigeria)
24 October 2016

IAPG-Nigeria cordially invites all geoscientists and the general public to its 1st sensitisation workshop where the proposed theme will be discussed by various speakers in order to promote the activities of IAPG through cooperating with National and International organisations whose aims are complementary to those of the Association.

1. Geoethics and Sustainable Development Goals.
2. Geoethics in our daily life.
3. Geoethics and Geoscience Profession.
4. Fostering relationship between the scientific community, mass media and general public.

Raw Material Research and Development Council Abuja.

AAWG Nigeria, NMGS, RMRDC.....
If you are interested to be partner and supporter of this initiative please contact:

Arinze Harrison (IAPG-Nigeria Coordinator)
Tel.: 08037383439, 08054135793
Email: iapgnigeria@gmail.comarinze_h24@yahoo.com
Blog: www.geoethicsnigeria.blogspot.com.ng
Twitter: www.twitter.com/iapg_nigeria 

Download the poster

Kindly share with colleagues!
Thank you.