Thursday, 28 July 2016

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - official blog

Session 04 "From school and citizen seismology to geoethics"


35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission
Trieste (Italy), 4-10 September 2016

Rémy Bossu, Paul Denton, Paul Earle, Giuseppe Di Capua



Monday, 5 September 2016
Room: Oceania C

4 years of seismology in school activities in Romania
Dragos Tataru, Bogdan Zaharia, and Bogdan Grecu

LastQuake: an app for massive real time crowdsourcing and seismic risk reduction
Rémy Bossu, Robert Steed, Roussel Fréderic, and Mazet-Roux Gilles

Rapid estimation of earthquake intensity from Twitter's social sensors
Carlo Meletti, Stefano Cresci, and Maurizio Tesconi

The SSE-EU programme for Educational Seismology
Gerasimos Chouliaras, Bulent Cavas, Luigi Cerri, Flora Di Martino, George Drakatos, Philip Ivanov, Orlin Kouzov, Konstantinos Makropoulos, Georgios Mavromanolakis, Marios Papaevripidou, Yvoni Pavlou, Daniela Pavlova, Mariana Potsidi, Sofoklis Sotiriou, and Zacharias Zacharia


Attendance Time: Monday, 5 September 2016, 10:30–11:30
Poster area

12-1 (ESC2016-133)
With Citizen seismology, Everyone can become a seismologist!
Gilles Mazet-Roux, Rémy Bossu, and Laurent Frobert

12-2 (ESC2016-412)
Transfrontier Macroseismology in Europe
Koen Van Noten, Christophe Sira, Thomas Lecocq, Klaus-G. Hinzen, and Thierry Camelbeeck

12-3 (ESC2016-462)
Development of the Romanian Educational Seismic Network
Bogdan Zaharia, Dragos Tataru, Bogdan Grecu, and Cristian Neagoe

12-4 (ESC2016-650)
The project of Interchange work/school in Italy: the experience at INGV
Giuliana D'Addezio

The IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics ( supports this session.

Session description:
Internet and social networks have multiplied the direct interactions between individual seismologists and citizens. Observational seismology has entered schools where they can detect signals from large global earthquakes and do real science with real data. Doing real science is one of the goals of citizen science projects alongside augmenting data collection and crowdsourcing observations on earthquake phenomena. Today there is a convergence between scientific and educational seismology projects. Many institutes and individual scientists are active on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. Smartphone apps are replacing websites as the main source of rapid earthquake information. Communication has also expanded from rapid information to time evolving hazard, risk and even operational earthquake forecasts. These developments change the way we, as scientists interact with society. They present significant opportunities to transfer the value of scientific research to citizens, in order to avoid or minimize risky interaction as demonstrated by the l’Aquila trial.
We invite papers on schools, citizen science or public communications initiatives as well as analysis of their ethical, social and cultural implications.

ESC2016 website:

International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria - Official blog

IAPG session S32:
"Geoethics: a new way of thinking and practicing geosciences"


IAPG-Italy - Section of Geoethics and Geological Culture of the Italian Geological Society has organized the session "S36 - Geoethics: a new way of thinking and practicing geosciences" at the 88th National Congress of the Italian Geological Society, that takes place in Naples (Italy). 
The session is scheduled for 9 September 2016, from 8:30 to 11:00, Aula A32. 


Stefano Tinti (Università di Bologna,, Francesco De Pascale (Università della Calabria,, Sabina Di Franco (CNR-IIA Roma,, Alessandra Magagna (Università di Torino,, Silvia Peppoloni (INGV-Roma2,



Friday, 9 September 2016 (08.30 - 11.00)
Aula A32

36-1 (08.30 - 08.45)
Dattilo V. & De Pascale F.
The semiosis of the Anthropocene: the triangle “geology/geography – planet illness – society”

36-2 (08.45 - 09.00)
Giardino M., Lucchesi S., Dellarole E., Bagnati T. & Magagna A.
Ethics of Geodiversity, geoEthics for Diversity: added values for Unesco Geoparks

36-3 (09.00 - 09.15)
Tinti S.
Geoethics: is it a new science or a new focus in geosciences?

36-4 (09.15 - 09.30)
Giardino M. & Lucchesi S.
A new paper on Geoethics: The “Laudato Sii” Encyclical Letter by Pope Francis on the care of our common home, Planet Earth

36-5 (09.30 - 09.45)
Liserre B.
The importance of environmental education in Niccolò Machiavelli’s thought in the context of the Italian Renaissance: a geoethical model

36-6 (09.45 - 10.00)
De Pascale F., Dattilo V., Muto F., Bernardo M. & D'Amico S.
Teaching resilience and educating to seismic risk reduction at school: a geoethical path in Aiello Calabro, southern Italy

36-7 (10.00 - 10.15)
Ryazi Khyabani F. & Pieruccioni D.
Will a geologist choose the environmental ethics or the economy?

36-8 (10.15 - 10.30)
Kalenge Nguvulu C. & Lupia Palmieri A.
The natural capital challenges in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a geoethical emergency

36-9 (10.30 - 10.45)
Somma R.
Forensic soil analyses in a simulated murder case

36-10 (10.45 - 11.00)
Tinti S. & Armigliato A.
Are there geoethical aspects involved in geohazard assessment? The case of tsunami hazard quantification and mapping


Friday, 9 September 2016
Area Poster

36-11 (Pannello 152)
Lozar F., Delfino M., Cirilli F., Bernardi M., Magagna A. & Giardino M.
"Urban Fossils": a project enabling reflections concerning human impact on planet Earth

36-12 (Pannello 153)
Gaudiosi G., Nappi R., Alessio G. & Porfido S.
Macroseismic intensity evaluation for the seismic hazard assessment in the third millennium

36-13 (Pannello 154)
Somma R., Silvestro M., Cascio M., Longo V., Barbagallo O. & Dawson L.
The use of digital surface, terrain models and geophysics to define search priorities for clandestine burials in a GIS-based Red-Amber-Green (RAG) system

36-14 (Pannello 155)
Seifilaleh S. & Ahadnezhad V.
Review of the performance of the crisis management centers in Iran and analysis of these institutions in Bam earthquake